Contraception / Family


Contraception helps prevent pregnancy and comes in various forms. At Georgetown OBGYN, we offer a range of birth control options to suit your age, health, and lifestyle. Methods can be permanent or temporary, with some being more effective than others.

There are two primary types of contraception: barrier and hormonal methods. Barrier methods prevent sperm from reaching the egg, while hormonal methods inhibit ovulation or create a hostile environment for sperm. Common barrier methods include condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and sponges. Hormonal methods include birth control pills, injections, vaginal rings, patches, implants, and IUDs.

At Georgetown OBGYN, we will help you choose the most appropriate contraception method based on factors like age, health, risks, hormone levels, frequency, effectiveness, and permanence. It's essential to use your chosen method consistently and correctly for maximum effectiveness.

Contraception risks vary depending on the method, with hormonal methods generally carrying more risks than barrier methods. Barrier methods may cause irritation or allergic reactions, while hormonal methods can lead to irregular bleeding, heart attack, stroke, and other side effects. Condoms are the only contraception method that also provides protection against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.

Our Georgetown OBGYN team is committed to guiding you through the process of selecting the best contraception method for your needs and answering any questions about family planning

Call Today:
(512) 863-8600

Office Location:

602 High Tech Dr.
Georgetown, TX 78626

8am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: