
Endometriosis is a medical condition that affects many women, causing endometrial tissue (which normally lines the uterus) to grow beyond the uterus and into other parts of the pelvic area. At Georgetown OBGYN, our team of dedicated healthcare providers offers comprehensive care for patients dealing with endometriosis, focusing on the management of symptoms and improving the quality of life for our patients.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

Endometriosis can cause a range of symptoms, including:

  • Severe pelvic or lower-back pain, usually during menstruation

  • Excessive menstrual bleeding

  • Pain during or after sexual intercourse

  • Painful urination or increased frequency

  • Infertility

  • Worsening pelvic cramping or pain

  • Vomiting or nausea

  • Exhaustion

  • Constipation and diarrhea

Diagnosing and Treating Endometriosis

Our skilled healthcare providers at Georgetown OBGYN diagnose endometriosis through medical history, pelvic examinations, and screening with ultrasound, MRI scans, or diagnostic laparoscopy. These imaging techniques allow for an internal view of the abdominal area, helping to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment for endometriosis varies depending on the patient's symptoms and severity of the condition. In milder cases, conservative methods such as over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers and birth control pills to regulate hormones may be effective in alleviating symptoms. If the condition does not respond to medication, our team may recommend surgery to remove excess endometrial tissue.

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive option that can thoroughly remove endometrial tissue. In severe cases, a hysterectomy, which involves the removal of the uterus and cervix, may be necessary to eliminate the severe pain caused by endometriosis. This procedure is typically considered a last resort, particularly for women of childbearing age, as they will no longer be able to bear children.

Comprehensive Care

Georgetown OBGYN is committed to providing personalized and compassionate care for patients with endometriosis. Our experienced healthcare professionals work closely with each patient to develop a tailored treatment plan, focusing on symptom management and improving overall quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms that may indicate endometriosis or have concerns about your reproductive health, please do not hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment.

Call Today:
(512) 863-8600

Office Location:

602 High Tech Dr.
Georgetown, TX 78626

8am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: