Ovarian Cysts

At Georgetown OB-GYN, we recognize that ovarian cysts can be a concern for our patients. Our experienced team is here to provide the necessary care and guidance to help you understand and manage ovarian cysts.

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form in the ovaries, which are responsible for producing eggs and female hormones. There are several types of ovarian cysts, with the most common being functional cysts that form during ovulation. Functional cysts usually disappear within a few months and are rarely cancerous.

Other types of cysts can form due to disease or unreleased eggs, which may be larger and more painful.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

While some ovarian cysts cause no symptoms, others may lead to:

  • Pressure, swelling, or pain in the abdomen

  • Pelvic pain

  • Pain during sex

  • Weight gain

  • Abnormal bleeding

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts can often be diagnosed during a routine pelvic exam, with ultrasounds or blood tests used to determine the size and type of the cyst. Many cysts resolve on their own, so initial treatment may involve monitoring for changes in size. In cases where cysts don't change or cause pain, surgery may be recommended for removal.

If you suspect you have an ovarian cyst, schedule a pelvic exam with our team at Georgetown OB-GYN. We're here to help you manage and address any concerns related to ovarian cysts.

Call Today:
(512) 863-8600

Office Location:

602 High Tech Dr.
Georgetown, TX 78626

8am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: